Social welfare housing
When schools, hospitals and rehabilitative facilities are built, the main aim is to obtain practical and livable buildings respecting regulations and the context in which they are built. Another important aspect is to respect the constructive quality and the required delivery time. Fedrigoli Costruzioni spa knows these aspects and is has managed during the years to achieve great results even in this sector, managing to cooperate, if the interventions were realized in existing buildings with persons who have to coexist with men at work as employees, doctors in hospitals and students at school.
Social welfare housing

Gruppo San Donato - Renovation of the Polyclinic Hospital
Social welfare housing

Brescia Poliambulance Hospital
Social welfare housing

Centro Sportivo Riabilitativo Località "La Spianà"
La Spianà
Social welfare housing

Sacro Cuore Negrar Hospital
Social welfare housing

Chiesa Borgo Nuovo
Social welfare housing
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